to: Motion controls of servo system
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A servo system is a servo system and so where or how it is used, not to oversimplify, it is almost irrelevant to a controls engineer. There are a lot of questions that would have to be answered before either myself or anyone with experience in controls could give you sound advice specific to your project:- Do you already have an EMAP Servo Press?
- Does it have a servo control system in it already?
- If it does, are you looking to integrate the Press with other automation devices?
- If it doesn't, how many axes do you need?
- Do you need a coordinated motion controller?
This is just to get you started thinking about some basic issues. I have experience with motion controls, but I am not a motion controls expert. A motion controls expert will I am sure, come up with a much more comprehensive list of questions.
As far as servos, if you are looking to learn how to program motion controls, I suggest to look into Yaskawa. Spend a few hours perusing their website. Yaskawa products have very good reputation and they have a large installed base, and, I personally like their website. It has a lot of useful information. I like Allen-Bradley as well, but you should know that I am an Allen-Bradley integrator and channel partner, and so I am somewhat partial to their products. AB stuff is expensive anyway, but for good reason. One of my colleagues for whom I have tremendous respect, with a ton of experience in motion controls is very fond of Copley.
If you Google 'Motion Controls' you'll get a ton of hits and you should find some useful info there as well.
Generally speaking, in my opinion, a big part of anything involving motion; fault handling and recovery, and of course, safety. You absolutely must take safety into consideration when dealing with motion and make it a priority.
Faults and recovery; you'd be surprised how easy it is to get your robot stuck and have a hard time getting it back to production, and so, plan for this.
And of course, if you are programming any motion yourself; learn about state machines and do everything using the state machine method.
